Why eat seaweed?
Sea vegetables have been eaten for centuries by Asian cultures, particularly Japan. The ancient Chinese considered the sea vegetable a delicacy to be given to guests of honour. Outside of Asia, many nations by the water have learned how mineral-rich seaweed is. In fact it contains virtually all the minerals found in the ocean and…
Neck – Sitting Stretch and Mobility Series
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day you may find that you frequently suffer from aches and pains. One way to help relieve these aches and pains is to set some time aside each day to do a series of simple stretches. These stretches are designed so they can be done anywhere…
Ageing and Vitality – can the two be interlinked?
Longevity is all about the maximum age we can possibly live to. Potentially we can live to be a hundred and thirty years old – this has been calculated by the number of times the cells in our body can possibly divide. Cell division is all about our cells reproducing and repairing themselves. Jeanne Calment,…
Gluteal Stretch – Sitting Stretch and Mobility Series
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day you may find that you frequently suffer from aches and pains. One way to help relieve these aches and pains is to set some time aside each day to do a series of simple stretches. These stretches are designed so they can be done anywhere…
Beat Back Pain with these SIMPLE TIPS from Bodies Under Construction
In our clinics we see a wide range of patients with all manner of pain and injury – however a large part of our work is centred on dealing with low back pain. Here are some simple tips on overcoming and preventing back pain that will help keep you in good shape and pain free:…
Lateral Stretch – Sitting Stretch and Mobility Series
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day you may find that you frequently suffer from aches and pains. One way to help relieve these aches and pains is to set some time aside each day to do a series of simple stretches. These stretches are designed so they can be done anywhere…
Rotation – Sitting Stretch and Mobility Series
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day you may find that you frequently suffer from aches and pains. One way to help relieve these aches and pains is to set some time aside each day to do a series of simple stretches. These stretches are designed so they can be done anywhere…
Extension – Sitting Stretch and Mobility Series
If you find yourself sitting for most of the day you may find that you frequently suffer from aches and pains. One way to help relieve these aches and pains is to set some time aside each day to do a series of simple stretches. These stretches are designed so they can be done anywhere…
4 of the Best Injury Prevention Tips for Runners
With the warmer weather starting many of us are either increasing our training or looking to increase our activity – especially running training – so to help you stay moving and injury free here are 4 Tips to Keep YOU and your clients injury free. All from the team at Bodies Under Construction Physio. Injury…
Stay Healthy and Happy at Work
We recently found this great poster from the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy and we love it! Lots of great advice about subtle changes you can make to keep fit and healthy at work. Why not print a copy for your office?? Fit for Work Poster >>