Is your BACK in Lockdown too? 4 Back Pain Myths and 5 top Cures talked about here!

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At Bodies Under Construction we see a LOT of clients struggling with back pain and I mean a lot! At least 75% of our week, every week, is filled with people who have bad back. We see people with achy backs through to those in agony who literally drag themselves in to the clinic.

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Revealed: A 30 Second Self-Test
 And the #1 Single Best Exercise for Relief of Sciatica


Do you (or someone you know) suffer from pain, numbness or tingling in your legs, feet, buttocks or lower back? If you do and you are looking for natural and permanent relief, then here are 2 valuable tools to help you…….. Recently I have seen a increasing number of patients with Sciatica and BACK pain…

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