Got a quick “success story” to share that might help you too:
Here goes…
One of my favourite accomplishments of being a Physio is when I’ve been able to help someone whose “stuck” and has been for ages and didn’t even realise he or she was holding them self back.
A bit like this gentlemen who came to “sample” Physio first and later said this:
“Looking back, I’ve realised why I waited (to see a Physio)… I can only describe it as a fear of not knowing if Physio was even right for me.
Even though I had so many people tell me that Physio or something like it would help me, I didn’t do anything about my neck pain for 7 months.
I’d say it helped more at a psychological level because I don’t think I’d have ever got round to going to see anyone had my wife not noticed the sign on that sandwich board for the free (taster) session outside your Putney premises.
Although I was still in considerable pain following the taster session which you kindly let me have, I was relieved just to know that someone could help me and it was nice to know that what was causing all my shoulder troubles, could actually be helped, how long it would take and just what it would cost.
….and credit to her, everything Elena (Physio) told me in that session was very accurate too.
By the way Leslie…
the girls on reception made me feel very special every time I came in and as well as the good treatment I received which helped me no end, I need to compliment you on all the girls who are in your front office.
Thank you and with my regards,
Barry. D. 53, Putney, London
… What Barry is basically saying here is that LOTS of people are wandering around each day carrying things like neck and shoulder pain with them, that is INHIBITING the enjoyment they can get from life.
And sometimes all it takes is the offer a “little look” at it and the chance to sample the benefits of great health care for that person to see PROOF of how easy it is to be relieved of the root cause of the pain.
We can do that for you too.
If, like “Barry”, you’re suffering from ANY pain in your *neck and shoulder area* and something, (anything), is holding you back from coming back to see us. Don’t hesitate any longer.
Here at Bodies Under Construction all of our team have vast experience dealing with Neck and Shoulder Pain so if you need any advice please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you’d like more info on this, and some easy, actionable tips you can use now to start easing your neck and shoulder. We have a free neck and shoulder pain guide that we can send you. Connect with us on 020 87474 029(Chiswick) , 020 87887 804(Putney) or email us on and tell us what’s going on. A member of the team can take your details and we can email or post you a copy.
About the Author: Leslie Abrahams
Every week, for over 20 years, 100’s of people aged have consulted Leslie Abrahams looking for answers to concerning questions about, and for, a fast end to their health worries and physical pains and stiffness. He has previously worked and travelled with high-level athletes in the field of cycling and volleyball. Leslie also has a special interest in Spinal Treatments and Rehabilitation, lower limb injuries, and has experience dealing with patients post injury or surgery.
Leslie is a Master Trainer for the world renowned Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute(APPI). He is regular key note speaker at conferences and travels internationally to present on modified exercise for rehabilitation. Leslie is the founder of Bodies Under Construction Clinics situated in Chiswick and Putney, London. South West London’s Specialist Private Physiotherapy Practice for People of all ages, but especially those in their 30’s. 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who want to keep healthy and active.
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