This email came in from another subscriber with neck and shoulder pain, earlier today:
= = = =
“Dear Leslie,
Another late night thinking about my neck problem again, so thought I’d share with you how I really feel:
Initially, I thought this little niggle would go away on its own and that I wasn’t so much affected. I thought to myself, this will pass, I’ve pulled my neck before, that it was OK with some rest last time, and I’m not going to rush into paying for something like physio, if it’s just going to go away on its own.
A few days of this I could handle.
But now I’m resigned to asking you a big question: Does physio offer the kind of real help that means my problem getting sorted is a certainty? Or is it just a FAD?
Whether physio is as good as you say it is, I’m not sure (admittedly that is starting not to matter), but it does sound interesting and I’m beginning to agree with a good friend of mine who said it really is the best option for someone like me, with this type of pain.
Last night I came up on the realisation that despite my early scepticism, I’m attracted to the confidence in which you and my friend have for Physio:
And strangely, despite my early cynicism about trying Physio…here I am…interacting with you about it…a feat.
The raw truth about Physio I’m not sure. But seems I’m going to have to find out for myself, so please bare with me as I courageously make my tentative way to coming in to see you.
In anticipation of your time, Much Thanks”.
– Susan J. 58, Chiswick.
= = = =
For some reason, this is a very familiar story that is not lost on me.
“I know I need to do something, I’m just a bit scared and nervous about getting it wrong, so I’ll wait a bit longer and see what happens”…
That’s kinda’ the message from Susan here.
And seriously though…
“It’s NOT needed”.
And she is right, I AM confident about Physiotherapy.
Because when it’s done right, it can be hugely effective and able to really help people with neck and shoulder pain – particularly those that have been putting up with it for a LONG while. I’ve seen it work first hand, “1,001 times” (if not more) over the last 20 years.
And, here’s the main reason why:
If your neck or shoulder is stiff or stuck, and you’re not moving it properly, *it’s slowly getting weaker*.
(And that’s what is likely causing your pain to get worse…)
So what we do for you from a Physio perspective is just give your body a little “push”. It’s a simple case of getting your body moving again and getting all that is stuck, “unstuck”.
The science behind physio is really simple:
- If something in your neck is stuck, we get it moving.
- If a muscle is weak, we work out how to make it strong by showing you the right exercises.
- If a muscle is tight, we relax it by releasing it.
If you’re worried or concerned about something, ask us the question and we’ll answer it. (Honestly and directly.) . Not much more to it to be honest.
And it really isn’t that difficult for us to help you.
But honestly, *I do get it*…That the biggest problem most people with shoulder and or even neck pain have, is that they just don’t know where to start.
If you’re confused, in a lot of pain and just need a no BS approach in getting the right facts and the appropriate treatment, then we are here to help.
Here at Bodies Under Construction all of our team have vast experience dealing with Neck and Shoulder Pain so if you need any advice please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you’d like more info on this, and some easy, actionable tips you can use now to start easing your Neck Pain. We have a Neck pain guide that we can send you. Connect with us on 020 87474 029 or email us on and tell us what’s going on with your neck. A member of the team can take your details and we can email or post you a copy.
Yours Free From us here at Bodies Under Construction……..
About the Author: Leslie Abrahams
Every week, for over 20 years, 100’s of people aged have consulted Leslie Abrahams looking for answers to concerning questions about, and for, a fast end to their health worries and physical pains and stiffness. He has previously worked and travelled with high-level athletes in the field of cycling and volleyball. Leslie also has a special interest in Spinal Treatments and Rehabilitation, lower limb injuries, and has experience dealing with patients post injury or surgery.
Leslie is a Master Trainer for the world renowned Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute(APPI). He is regular key note speaker at conferences and travels internationally to present on modified exercise for rehabilitation. Leslie is the founder of Bodies Under Construction Clinics situated in Chiswick and Putney, London. South West London’s Specialist Private Physiotherapy Practice for People of all ages, but especially those in their 30’s. 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who want to keep healthy and active.
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