Here at Bodies Under Construction we have worked with people with foot and ankle pain for many years and truly have a great knowledge of how to diagnose and manage your foot and ankle pain too.
Foot and Ankle problems are often a much more serious concern than many people will care to admit. Let’s face it your foot is a small part of your body that isn’t that important. Right???
Or so you may think…….
After all, it’s very difficult to enjoy life if you’re dreading placing your foot on the ground each time you get out of bed in the morning, or, you go for a simple walk and find your foot and or ankle doesn’t want to move like you need it to.
And let’s not even talk about the early onset of Arthritis that can so easily happen with an ankle joint that is left uncared for and remains stiff and stuck for months and years!
It could be that you’re already experiencing symptoms in other parts of your body such as your knee and or lower back since your ankle or foot pain began? If it is, you’re not alone as this is common, but it certainly ISN’T healthy or normal and you must seek proper advice fast or soon you may find your back, knees and hips will soon be suffering as well.
There are several common mistakes we consistently see people are making when they have foot and ankle pain.
Could you or someone you know be making one or more of these mistakes?
We list the most common mistakes below and what YOU can do about it.
Mistake # 1
Ignoring the pain, thinking it will go away on its own.
We often ask clients, how long have you had your pain? The replies most commonly vary from months to years. I was hoping it would sort itself out.
Just getting on with things and thinking the pain will go away, may work but this will take a lot of time, plus, that’s if the pain ever goes away anyway.
Early intervention is shown to help reduce your pain in the long term.
So if there is a niggle get it assessed by a professional.
Mistake # 2
Trusting in medications, hoping the issue will resolve
Yes, taking medication can help to ease pain. However, medication is not treating the real source of the problem. You need to see a Health Care Professional who can diagnose the problem and advise on a recovery plan.
Often medication does play an important part on the recovery journey.
Mistake # 3
Too often our clients tell us that they have been following the advice of a friend or family member to manage their symptoms.
What may have worked for your Aunty Mary to ease her foot pain is not necessarily what is going to work for you. We are all individuals and very different in our body make up, and your foot pain could be coming from an entirely different source! You need to seek professional advice that will diagnose the root cause of the problem.
Mistake # 4
You tube. I regularly have clients who attend and demonstrate to me a set of exercises that they have found on You tube for their symptoms. I’ll be honest the effectiveness of these exercises can really vary as often the exercises are incorrect and potentially harmful for that particular problem.
Exercise for your foot and ankle should be specific for your needs. Therefore, understanding what’s actually wrong with you will help you make a much better informed decision about what exercise will be most beneficial. Avoid exercise that increase your pain.
Mistake # 5
Rushing back into activities too soon.
Rushing back to activities too quickly can be detrimental to your recovery. Too much stressful activity on the body, with the body in a weakened state can quickly escalate your foot and ankle pain. Choose to do the appropriate movement at the appropriate phase of your recovery process.
Mistake # 6
Playing it too safe and resting for too long
Current research suggests that exercise is the best action to take to help you recover from foot and ankle pain.
Again remember, resting is almost like doing nothing, and you are always better trying to do something to help yourself recover.
Mistake # 7
Waiting too long to ask the right person for help
The longer you wait to ask the right person, the longer you suffer with pain. You may also prolong the amount of time that it will take to recover from your foot and ankle pain. My advice is to contact a health professional ASAP.
Here is the great news……
Even if you have been making ALL of these mistakes we can still help you!
Here at Bodies Under Construction all of our team have vast experience dealing with Foot and Ankle Pain so if you need any advice please don’t hesitate to contact us.
If you’d like more info on this, and some easy, actionable tips you can use now to start easing your foot and. ankle. We have a free guide that we can send you. Connect with us on 020 87474 029(Chiswick) , 020 87887 804(Putney) or email us on and tell us what’s going on. A member of the team can take your details and we can email or post you a copy.
About the Author: Leslie Abrahams
Every week, for over 20 years, 100’s of people aged have consulted Leslie Abrahams looking for answers to concerning questions about, and for, a fast end to their health worries and physical pains and stiffness. He has previously worked and travelled with high-level athletes in the field of cycling and volleyball. Leslie also has a special interest in Spinal Treatments and Rehabilitation, lower limb injuries, and has experience dealing with patients post injury or surgery.
Leslie is a Master Trainer for the world renowned Australian Physiotherapy and Pilates Institute(APPI). He is regular key note speaker at conferences and travels internationally to present on modified exercise for rehabilitation. Leslie is the founder of Bodies Under Construction Clinics situated in Chiswick and Putney, London. South West London’s Specialist Private Physiotherapy Practice for People of all ages, but especially those in their 30’s. 40’s, 50’s and 60’s, who want to keep healthy and active.
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