Revealed: A 30 Second Self-Test
 And the #1 Single Best Exercise for Relief of Sciatica



Do you (or someone you know) suffer from pain, numbness or tingling in your legs, feet, buttocks or lower back?

If you do and you are looking for natural and permanent relief, then here are 2 valuable tools to help you……..

Recently I have seen a increasing number of patients with Sciatica and BACK pain and the information below I thought you or someone you know might find valuable. Have you or someone you know and care about ever?

  • Missed work due to Sciatica or back pain?
  • Missed out on a family vacation or activity because you were afraid to aggravate your Sciatica?
  • Found yourself worrying more about your pain, numbness and tingling rather than living your life?

At Bodies Under Construction we specialize in treating Sciatica
Simply put Sciatica has 3 common causes:

  1. Herniated discs 
  2. Stenosis or Arthritis 
  3. Pelvic or SI joint problem 

When you match the right treatment with the right problem, the symptoms should go away…almost immediately (there are exceptions: comorbidities, surgery, chronic injections, and medicines.)
Have you ever seen the lady who has to lean on her shopping cart as she is walking through M & S? The reason she needs to do that is usually because of arthritis (Doctors call it “Stenosis”) in the lower back. Successful treatment for that condition usually involves:

1. Specific exercises usually involving bending forward (flexing forward)
2. Traction
3. Hands-on Physiotherapy

So if she would do the wrong type of treatment, let’s say the treatment for the herniated disc, she is going to be in a lot more pain and the simptoms in her leg may actually be worse!
So here are 2 important tools I want you to have (or if you are feeling fine, you can pass them on to someone who may need them)

  1. A 30 second self-test that you can do in the safety and comfort of your own home to see if you really have Sciatica. 
  2. The number one, single best exercise to do for Sciatica relief. 

Hope this helps you!
P.S. When doing the exercise for relief 3 things can happen:

  1. You feel better. 
  2. You don’t feel any different. 
  3. You feel worse. 

If you feel better, great, keep doing it (there is an entire series of more advanced exercises to do. We can show you if you need it.) If you are a #2 or #3 (no change or feeling worse) Use the opportunity to come in for the FREE screen I mention below. We will examine you and determine:

  1. The cause of your Sciatica 
  2. If you need an MRI or x-ray (Luckily, usually not.) 
  3. What successful and natural treatment looks like for you. 

Self-Test for Sciatica

  1. Sitting on a chair, look down. 
  2. Straighten one leg, with toes in the air. 
  3. Repeat for the other side. 
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What it means: If your leg with pain, numbness or tingling does not go up as high as the other leg, you likely have sciatica.
Your next step is to see what is causing the pressure on your sciatic nerve. Call us to schedule an appointment…we can help you with that.

#1 Single Best Exercise for Sciatica Relief: Standing Back Bend
(The most common cause of sciatica is a herniated disc. If this exercise does not help, call our office at 02087474029 to schedule an appointment).

  1. Standing with hands-on hips, feet shoulder width apart.
  2. Bend backwards until a stretch is felt. 
Hold 5 seconds, repeat 20 times.
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If you are a bit confused on what to do and need some assistance. We are here to help. Call our team on 020 8747 4029 to get more info on how Physiotherapy can be the natural solution to your back pain and sciatica problem.

All my very best

Leslie Abrahams


Leslie Abrahams